Sign Up For a FREE Skilled Care Tip Sheet Explaining How to Document Your Treatment In Order to Treat Patients For Month or Years If Necessary!

The Note Ninjas

Hi! We are Stephanie and Nicole, also known as The Note Ninjas. We are a PT and an OT who want to help other clinicians justify their treatment programs to show skilled care in order to Treat Our Patients For As Long As They Will Benefit.
Has This Ever Happened to You?
You Had to Discharge a Patient Because They Hit a Certain Dollar Amount or a Certain Number of Treatment Sessions.
You Discharged a Patient Because You Were Scared to Get Audited By Medicare.
You Discharge a Patient When They Were No Longer Making Improvements.
Well You Are Not Alone!
We have done all of the above.
In former jobs we were made to discharge patients once their insurance money used reached a set amount.
We were also told as soon as the patient started plateauing we had to discharge.
This, however, is NOT true and is harming our patients!
Many PT and OT businesses discharge patients before they are ready because they are nervous to get audited by insurance companies.
We can not let insurance companies dictate our treatments.
If your notes justify skilled care you should not have to worry about being audited. You should instead be proud you treated for as long as you deemed necessary and provided your patient the best care possible.
If you believe your patient will benefit from continued therapy and you are able to document skilled care, then you are able to treat that patient inevitably.
Stop discharging prematurely!
Stop losing thousands of dollars a year for treatments that should be covered!
Stop letting the fear of being audited affect your treatment plan!
Learn why you can see patients for as long as necessary and how to document accurately to show your skill!
Sign up below to receive a FREE Skilled Care Tip Sheet giving you suggestions to justify your treatment to never have to discharge a patient before they achieve their goals again!

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