Introducing the Most Comprehensive Treatment and Documentation Resource Library for OT Pediatric Therapists


The Note Ninja Pediatric Series!


When you are working with your pediatric clients...

  • Do you feel stuck with activities to provide your kiddos that they will want to do?
  • Are you always looking for new ways to make occupational therapy fun for your kiddos?
  • Do you want to be creative but sometimes you just can't think of something new?
  • Do you feel pressure and stress to always come up with new engaging activities?
  • Do you stare at a blank screen trying to figure out how to document the activity you just did with your last kiddo?
  • Do you avoid specific activities because you are unsure how to document them?

  • Do you feel like you are spending all your "free time" finishing your notes?

  • Do you want to include more evidenced-based research into your treatments?

  • Do you want to feel passionate about your career again and avoid burnout?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are not alone and you do not have to continue working like this.

It is time to find the help and answers you have been searching for.


If You Don't Do Something About This Now, It Will Only Get Worse


As pediatric occupational therapists, we often ignore the way we feel since we are so focused on helping our kiddos.

We tell ourselves that things will get better eventually...

We will research activities over the weekend...

We will scroll Pinterest or TikTok for new games to play with our kiddos every night...

We will come up with a system to make documentation easier on our own...

But then life gets in the way and we make excuses to put our work-life-balance on hold.

What happens next?

We start to lose our passion because we are not seeing the improvements in our kiddos that we know they are capable of making.

We start to get frustrated for the amount of documentation we have to do.

We begin to regret the time and money it took to get our degree because we feel that "the system" is taking away the real patient care.

And this then overflows into our personal life.

We don't get to see our friends or family as often as we would like.

We feel guilty about not spending quality time with our significant other and our own kids.

It begins to take a toll on our mental and physical health.

Sound familiar? We were here before...

But it Does Not Have to Be Like This


You Can Change the Scenario


You Do Not Have to Live with the Pressure and Stress


You Don't Have to Spend all of Your "Free Time" Researching and Documenting


We Can Help You Keep Your Love of Therapy and Feel Fulfilled both Personally and Professionally

We have been there too...

But we are here to tell you that we can change this narrative

We were stressed too about finding new creative ways to keep our kiddos engaged.

We were frustrated that we had to spend so much time researching new activities. 

And then we felt the pressure about how to document the new activities to show our skill.

We were overwhelmed with the amount of documentation we had to do and how to make it skilled.

We took lots of continuing education courses to come up with new ideas and keep us motivated. But none of the resources or continuing education classes really provided us with what we were really looking for. 

We left feeling like we needed more. How were we going to put the information we needed into practice? And then how do we document these activities? We felt lost and frustrated!

And that's what led us to creating The Note Ninjas Occupational Therapy Pediatric Series.

The Note Ninjas Occupational Therapy Pediatric Series

Join Today to Provide Creative Pediatric Activities with Access to Documentation Examples to Improve Your Skilled Care AND Allow You to Find Fulfillment both Professionally and Personally! 

"Note Ninjas has been amazing to be a part of and learn from. As a student and new grad, it has been a great resource to study and refresh with. They give written and visual examples for their topics which helped me since i’m a hands on/visual learner. I’m grateful I found them to use as a resource to improve my knowledge and skills as an OT!” "

Occupational Therapy Student

This is the Membership you Need

With the Note Ninja Pediatric Series, you will have all the content you could ever want as an occupational therapist, assistant or student!

Imagine never having to scroll Pinterest for hours for activities again.

 Imagine having access to videos demonstrating exactly how to perform an activity with written examples of how to document it.

Imagine having evidence-based research right at your fingertips.

Imagine all of the praise and recognition you will receive at work for all the knowledge you will be gaining and putting to use right away.

Just imagine how much more you will help your kiddos and how much more you will love your career!

It's Time to Make Activities Creative and Fun and Documentation Easy!

With the Note Ninja Pediatric Series, you will receive access to a library of:

  • Therapy approaches
  • Videos
  • Evidence-based treatments and strategies
  • Written documentation examples
  • New treatment ideas and activities


What are you waiting for? 


Features of the Pediatric Series


Specific Areas of Treatment

Quick Tips

Continually Added Treatments and Activities

Printable PDFs

Examples of Documentation


Evidence-Based Research

What's Included in The Pediatric Series

  • Handwriting 
  • Visual Motor Integration (VMI)
  • Developmental Milestones from 0- 6 years
  • Early Intervention
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Executive Functioning
  • The Sensory System
  • Primitive Reflexes
  • ADLs/IADLs
  • Fine Motor Coordination
  • Gross Motor
  • Creative Treatment Ideas
  • Documentation Templates
  • Goal Writing
  • Expert Session
  • Bonus section with Q&A and Seasonal Treatment Ideas with documentation

All Sections Have Evidence-Based Research, Activities and Sample Documentation!

We Add New Content Monthly with YOUR Recommendations. 


Don't Miss Out on This Deal!

Let us help you with creative, evidence-based activities and then make the documentation quick and easy!

Pay Monthly




Therapy Approaches


Evidence-based treatments and strategies

Written documentation examples

New treatment ideas and activities 

Yes! I'm Ready For This Great Resource!

Pay Yearly




This Includes 3 FREE Months Which is a Savings of $56.22!

Enjoy Everything That Is Included in the Monthly Subscription at a Discounted Price!

Yes! I Would Love 3 FREE Months!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Note Ninja Pediatric Series ?

It is a comprehensive library with your needs in mind.  The membership will contain everything an occupational therapist working in pediatric will need to make skilled treatment and documentation child-centered, quick and easy.  We designed a unique system to provide all the information you need in an easy to access membership.


What will the membership include?

  • Videos on specific treatments, strategies, scenarios and more!
  • Pocket guides and downloadable PDFs to provide you with quick tip sheets and resources on the go
  • Downloadable PDFs with copy and paste documentation
  • Evidence-based research to support treatment techniques and strategies
  • Exclusive Note Ninja content not included on our blog
  • All new information and resources monthly
  • A bonus section with interactive Q & A


Who is the Note Ninja Membership for? 

It is for all OT’s, OTA’s and students. Whether you are a new graduate or a seasoned therapist, this membership is beneficial to therapists of any experience level.


How is the Note Ninja Pediatric Series different then everything else out there?

  • VIDEOS! We include short, easy to watch videos to demonstrate activities, therapeutic techniques and strategies
  • All the information you need without the fluff. You don't need to watch an hour long video to get to the information you need
  • New information added monthly on topics our members request
  • Evidence-based exercises and activities we find and organize for you from research articles
  • Sample documentation for all exercises/activities you can copy and paste and modify to fit your child
  • Pocket guides and downloadable PDFs for easy access
  • Quick tips and templates you can use IMMEDIATELY so you can stop stressing about documentation
  • A complete library dedicated to skilled care tips, treatment ideas, and documentation


How can I access my membership?

You will be able to access directly through our website.  All you need is a username and password to login.  You will also be able to access the membership through an app on your phone.


What Will the Note Ninja Pediatric Series do for me?

  • Allow you to enjoy your career the way you imagined when you went into OT
  • Give you the opportunity to treat your children using evidence-based research without doing the research yourself
  • Provide you with access to a huge library of exercises/activities you can do with your children without running out of ideas
  • Give you back your time by having document samples you can use.
  • Give you the tools you need to manage a healthy work-life balance so you can be the friend/parent/sister/brother/partner you always wanted to be
  • Make you stand out at your job with your amazing use of evidence-based research and documentation skills
  • Give you a unique talking point for raises and promotions due to your ability to have high reimbursement rates


Will there be new content each month?

Yes! There will be new content every month.  We will also update our library throughout the month so you always have something to look forward to.  You will be added to an exclusive email list, which will provide you with previews of upcoming content as well.


And New Sections and Information Added Monthly! Let Us Know What You Want to See, and We Will Work on Adding It!

Just imagine Cody walks into your outpatient clinic with a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder. He is extremely dysregulated and presents with maladaptive behaviors. He begins by throwing items around the therapy gym while presenting as a safety risk to not only himself but others. All of a sudden you become anxious about how you are going to assist his family in regulating him. 

A few sessions have passed and Cody is still presenting with the same level of dysregulation and behaviors. Although you know your care is an integral part of Cody’s diagnosis, you are wondering what else you can try in order for him to meet his goals. 

As you are sitting to document your session, it is evident that the verbiage and cueing is the same for each session. Will services be able to be continued if Cody remains at this current level? This evokes even more anxiety because the course of Cody’s care remains in your hands. This puts a lot of pressure on us as occupational therapists. 

Then a lightbulb goes on and you sign into The Note Ninja Membership library. You scroll to the section on sensory processing disorder/sensory needs or whatever you are working on and discover new skilled, evidence-based ideas.

Maybe you never tried slow linear movements to help down regulate Cody’s sensory system. Not only do you have a new treatment for the day but you have an article you can reference in your notes to show your skill as well as examples on how you can document it. 

Because you used the tools included in The Note Ninja Membership, Cody has improved just in time for a new progress note. You didn't have to worry about how to justify continuing therapy with Cody. 

You feel that sense of passion in your career reignite all because YOU were able to help him. And you didn’t spend more of your “free time” stressing about how to continue to show your skill in your documentation.

Now imagine if this scenario happened with 2, 5, or 10 more of your children. Just think how much better your treatments and outcomes will be.

And what will that do for you? Keep or bring back that spark and passion?

Remind you of why you came into this career?

Allow you to get your work done to enjoy your personal time and time with your friends and family? 

Wouldn't that be worth it?

Don't Miss Out on This Deal!

Let us help you with creative, evidence-based activities and then make the documentation quick and easy!

Pay Monthly




Therapy Approaches


Evidence-based treatments and strategies

Written documentation examples

New treatment ideas and activities 

Yes! I'm Ready For This Great Resource!

Pay Yearly



This Includes 3 FREE Months Which is a Savings of $56.22!

Enjoy Everything That Is Included in the Monthly Subscription at a Discounted Price!

Yes! I Would Love 3 FREE Months!

50% Complete

Two Step

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