Yes Note Ninjas! I Would Love to Maximize Outcomes with the Exclusive OT Month Treatment Guide Bundle!


Yes! I Would Love the Bundle!

Experience Unparalleled Support in Your Treatment Sessions with The Note Ninjas' ADL, Transfer, Balance, and Functional Assessment Treatment Guides!


Each Treatment Guide Merges Excellence in Skilled Interventions with Efficiency in Documentation for Unmatched Patient Care and Clinical Confidence.

Here’s What You Gain Access To:

ADL Treatment Guide


Navigate ADL Challenges with Confidence!

Facing challenges in advancing your patients with ADLs? Or struggling to keep ADLs skilled?

Our ADL Treatment Guide is here to navigate you through.

It breaks down the complexities of daily tasks like dressing and toileting into manageable components, offering skill requirements and fresh preparatory treatments.

This guide not only enriches your treatment toolkit but also simplifies documentation, ensuring your expertise is clearly reflected.

Let's make each session count with strategies that bring tangible progress and professional satisfaction.


"WOW this is amazing! I honestly could cry, I’m so excited to have treatment ideas at my fingertips that are for SPECIFIC ADLs and addressing different components of tasks. It’s really nice to have it organized this way, as opposed to a long list of random treatment ideas that are hard to understand how they relate to specific functional goals or when to use them." 

Transfer Treatment Guide


More Ways to Treat Transfers Then You Could Ever Imagine! 

Tired of the same way of training transfers with your patients?

Our Transfer Treatment Guide brings creativity to the forefront.

It breaks down transfers into preparatory activities, infusing each step with innovation.

This approach not only keeps sessions exciting but also ensures they remain skill-focused.

Enhance your treatment sessions with engaging strategies that captivate and progress, keeping documentation straightforward and your expertise evident.

Transform transfer training into an engaging and rewarding experience for both you and your patients.

"I personally love the transfer guide. I was having some difficulty advancing a slightly younger pt with a liver transplant before I bought the guide. It not only got the pt interested in trying new things but me too. I review it every time I see the patient and he transfers now almost ind." - Jimmy Allen, PT

Balance Treatment Guide


Keep Your Patients Engaged With Innovative Balance Activities!

Are you and your patients tired of doing the same balance exercises?

Our Balance Treatment Guide injects creativity into every aspect of balance training.

By breaking down balance interventions into foundational activities, we introduce a spark of innovation to each session.

This guide not only makes balance training more engaging but also maintains a strong focus on skilled care.

Elevate your treatment sessions with captivating strategies that drive progress while ensuring documentation remains clear and reflective of your expertise.

With this guide, balance training becomes not just effective, but a truly enjoyable part of your treatment sessions.

"I love the Balance Treatment Guide because it provides a detailed breakdown of activities with pictures, ways to grade up or down, and tips to document the activity. As a newly graduated OT, it can be hard to keep treatment planning interesting with the limited activities I have seen, and this guide was very helpful in providing me with more activities to keep in my toolbox that I can pull out on a whim in a session or integrate in a patients' HEP." - Carley Mahaffey, OTR/L

Functional Assessment Treatment Guide


Make Sure Your Treatments Align With Your Objective Measures!

Tired of the disconnect between functional assessments and tangible treatment progress?

Our Functional Assessment Treatment Guide bridges the gap, aligning treatment activities seamlessly with your functional assessments.

This guide streamlines the journey from assessment to intervention, offering tailored activities and clear documentation examples that resonate with specific assessment goals.

Enhance your treatment sessions with evidence-based strategies that directly impact assessment scores, ensuring every session contributes to measurable progress and patient success.

"Wow, what amazing resources. I am a new grad in SNF and the documentation is killing me along with needing additional ideas for tx. You knocked it out of the park with a much needed resource.  Incredibly grateful.”

Plus, When You Sign Up You’ll Also Get Access To

Two Exclusive Bonuses:

Bonus #1

Exclusive ADL Video Library with

Documentation Examples and More

Enhance your ADL treatment approach with our concise ADL Treatment Video Series, designed for therapists seeking practical, innovative strategies for everyday activities like dressing, toileting, and more.

Each video not only demonstrates functional treatment ideas but also comes paired with detailed documentation examples to showcase your interventions' value and complexity.

This series is your gateway to customizing treatments to meet individual patient needs, boosting their confidence and independence in ADL capabilities.

Make each therapy session a step toward autonomy and ensure your documentation reflects your expertise every time.  Elevate your practice with this essential visual resource.

"I have worked in many different settings without receiving much mentorship on “real world documentation as opposed to school learned documentation,” which was always a source of great anxiety for me! Discovering the Note Ninjas was a true game changer that gave me the confidence I needed to truly thrive not only in my interventions, but also in my documentation! I have received several compliments on my attention to detail. I would encourage any therapist that dreads the documentation portion of their job to breath a little easier with the help that the Note Ninjas can provide 😊

Thank you Note Ninjas!"Karly Sadkovich COTA/L, CDP, CMDCP

Bonus #2 

IADL Video Library With Documentation Examples

Bridging the gap between IADLs and effective interventions, our IADL Enhancement Video Series zeroes in on home and medication management.

This essential bonus content includes visual learning with innovative strategies, making intricate IADL tasks approachable and achievable.

Dive into home management intervention strategies with videos that transform everyday tasks into therapeutic opportunities, complemented by precise documentation examples that show your skilled approach.

For medication management, discover techniques that esure collaboration with the interdisciplinary team, goal-setting insights, and essential skills required for safe and independent management by your patients.

Energize your sessions with this dynamic visual resource, ensuring your treatments are skilled and deeply connected to your patients' real-world needs, elevating IADL care to new heights of effectiveness and patient satisfaction.

"The reason I originally joined the Note Ninjas was looking for some resources/guidance navigating my career in an ALF as an OT since I had no prior experience. The Note Ninjas have helped me grow as a clinician to better serve my patients! I feel so much more confident in my skills since having found the Note Ninja Resources! This has been a huge time saver and is continually updated which is awesome!"


A Total Value of $563



Register Today!


Here's What Other Therapists Are Saying:  


I woke up to a work email today regarding my documentation.  I am so excited I had an excellent review.  I am grateful to have stumbled upon Note Ninjas because it has really impacted the quality of my notes!   Thank you!"

- Nikkie, OTR/L


"I stumbled upon the “Note Ninjas” while transitioning in my OT career and needed to brush up on my OT skills. I bought all the treatment guides they offer and I am so glad I did! They were so beneficial to my confidence and outcomes success when starting my new job in a new state and new practice area, that I decided to become a member. My documentation is more concise and easier to read now then when I first started, and I thank the Note Ninja’s for it! Whether you are looking for a fresh way to document, treatment ideas in a certain area or supportive evidence, the Note Ninja’s will not disappoint."

 - Maggie Demetros, MOTR/L


“I am an older generation foreign physical therapist and I really wanted to say how grateful I am to all your hard work in compiling this one shop PT/OT tool box. As a foreign PT, it is hard to put into words what treatment I did with the patient. And that is how I found you guys, I was a therapist overwhelmed and over burdened with charting at the end of the day on top of a mounting patient load. A few years ago, the clinic I was working with was audited by a commercial payer. It was a nightmare! We went to zoom meetings that helped us understand where we fell short on our documentation. But that is just to let you know the problems and solutions. They did not give us the tools. And so I have to scour the internet for samples and templates. I have found some but they were not as comprehensive as you guys."

- Korina, PT 

You are saving my life with your program. It is the best money I have ever invested! 

- Dawn, COTA

Note Ninjas has been a game-changer for my documentation as a physical therapist. The website's invaluable tips and treatment ideas have not only elevated the quality of my notes but also sparked a new level of creativity in my practice. The innovative approach offered by Note Ninjas has not only rejuvenated my documentation process but has also received positive feedback from my peers. Moreover, it's a time-saving and convenient resource, making it a must-have for any physical therapist looking to enhance their skills and deliver exceptional patient care."

 - Dr Latika Thakur, PT

Sign Up Today and Gain Total Confidence Over Your Documentation and Treatment Planning

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