This Isn't Your Typical ADL Guide

Never Worry About Your Treatment Plan or Documentation Again!

Imagine a Guide That Will Take All of the Guesswork Out of Planning Treatments and Documenting Them


  • Have you ever struggled with coming up with new ways to help improve your patients performance with ADLs?

  • Do you find yourself doing the actual ADL with them for multiple sessions but despite your cues and assistance the progress is slow?

  • Do you not use specific activities because you are unsure how to document them?

  • Do you have trouble showing your skill when you are working on a particular ADL for an extended period of time?

"Just bought the ADL guide, and immediately accepted the offer to purchase balance guide too! Didn't even hesitate to add that on. WOW these are amazing! I honestly could cry, I'm so excited to have treatment ideas at my fingertips that are SPECIFIC ADLs and addressing different components of tasks. It's really nice to have it organized this way, as opposed to a long list of random treatment ideas that are hard to understand how they relate to specific functional goals or when to use them."

"I purchased the ADL and balance guides over a year ago. I love how they are constantly being updated with new ideas and verbiage! It has been so helpful in spicing up my treatment sessions. It has also given me the knowledge and education on how to advocate for OTs role in balance! "

Danielle Hofstetter, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist

"I stumbled upon the “Note Ninjas” while transitioning in my OT career and needed to brush up on my OT skills. I bought all the treatment guides they offer and I am so glad I did! They were so beneficial to my confidence and outcomes success when starting my new job in a new state and new practice area, that I decided to become a member. My documentation is more concise and easier to read now then when I first started, and I thank the Note Ninja’s for it! Whether you are looking for a fresh way to document, treatment ideas in a certain area or supportive evidence , the Note Ninja’s will not disappoint."

Maggie Demetros, MOTR/L
Occupational Therapist

This Isn't Your Typical ADL Guide

In this guide you will find new treatment ideas to help you address your ADL goals.  

We broke down the guide by type of ADL (dressing, toileting, self-feeding, etc). Then under each category we listed skills required and preparatory treatment ideas.  We did this so you can improve your skilled treatment and documentation with ADL's.

Have Easy to Implement Ideas At Your Fingertips

With this guide you won't be struggling anymore! We have found a way to show skilled care and progress patients to a decreased assistance level.  

Instead of repeating the same ADL each session, our guide will help you to address the required skills with unique activities.

"I'm in OT school. I've heard that students from my school aren't as prepared in coming up with specific activities, it's only talked about in a general sense (ex "work on balance.") I'm trying to get a head start and wanted to say thank you for making learning easy!"

"I purchased the treatment guide a few weeks ago and can honestly say that it’s changed both my documentation and approach to aspects of treatment. My favorites are the ADL guide and transfer guide. Both have helped me break down the key aspects of various tasks into their component parts to incorporate into treatments in an inpatient rehab setting. Not only that but also the key elements for documenting these preparatory activities to justify to insurance and better help the next therapist understand the patients strengths and weaknesses. Well worth the purchase! "

Jamie Fehring, MOT, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist

"The treatment guides have been such wonderful resources for me as a COTA working in a SNF. The guides do a helpful job at breaking down the components needed for ADLs including helpful interventions for addressing balance and transfers. Great tips on documentation as well! Thank you for your hard work! "

Terri Baughman, COTA
Occupational Therapy Assistant

What's Included

Skills Required For Each ADL

Preparatory Treatment Ideas

Tips For Documenting ADL's

Assisted Equipment Recommendations


Yes I Want to Make My Treatments Easier!

50% Complete

Two Step

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