Card Matching With Trunk Rotation
This is a great activity for many things including unsupported balance. Trunk rotation. Visual scanning. Cognition.
We had card boards on 2 different tables and this patient had to match the cards.
The tables were set at a 90 degree angle so he had to rotate and remember to scan all visual fields.
When documenting I will normally focus on 1 aspect. So if I’m really working on balance that day I will justify if he losing his balance. If he ever required single or double UE support. If he required stepping to maintain balance. Any education I provided on fall prevention techniques.
If I was working more on vision I would note if he was neglecting a side. How many cues he required to scan.
For cognition I would note if any difficulty matching the numbers or colors. If he required extra time for this activity. If he was able to stay on task.
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