Jumping With Older Adults (Even 80 and 90 Year Olds)

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2019

Do Your Older Patients Jump 

Do you jump with your older adults? Even those in their 80’s and 90’s?

If not, why not??

Do not be nervous to challenge your older adults. Not only is jumping safe for them but it’s very beneficial.

The Research

Jumping has been shown to increase muscle strength and balance more than regular exercise alone!

Here is the link for the article supporting jumping in the elderly: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpts/24/12/24_1345/_pdf

How to Progress

To start off I have my patients hold on to the parallel bars with 2 hands, then 1 hand and then some do it unsupported.

And your patients may at first be hesitant but once they do it they feel proud and accomplished which also helps with compliance!


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