Do you participate in journal clubs? No? Well you should! Our professions thrive on being able to provide evidence-based practice. One of the best ways to to get up to date research is to participate in frequent journal clubs on various topics with other physical and occupational therapists.
We like to attend journal clubs monthly with other clinicians on our team or with our students. If you are a member of your national association (AOTA or APTA) you should have access to tons of free research articles. You can meet in your facility, a local coffee shop or hold a phone conference.
Journal clubs are an easy way to learn about current practice trends. It is important to document in your treatment sessions that your treatments are supported by research. This will also help you to produce better outcomes for your patients.
When hosting a journal club, you take on a leadership role and facilitate the article discussion. You or another member of your group will take notes on your key takeaway points and then send them to the other members of the group afterwards.
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