Make Education Skilled and Linked to Function

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2018

Education Has to Be Documented Frequently and Needs to Be Skilled and Linked to a Functional Goal


One of the things I educate on a lot is strengthening, stretching and range of motion for a home exercise program.

I will educate my patient on safety such as where to perform the exercises and proper technique.

I will educate the caregiver on these same safety techniques to help with carryover and compliance.

What Test Are You Using

I  VERY rarely do manual muscle testing (MMT.) I find it very difficult to do with my population especially since many have dementia. Or even if they don’t I just don’t feel it is reliable.

Instead I do 5 times sit to stand (5x STS.) And I MUST do this to provide a HEP and education on it.

I need a test like 5x STS to test and measure lower extremity (LE) strength and then I must make a goal to relate strength to function.


So a lot of the time my goal will be something like:

  • Pt will perform 5x STS in 14 seconds or less to increase LE strength to improve transfers and ambulation to participate in increased social activities.
    • This goal is functional and not just a MMT 5/5. It uses a functional test and relates it to what the patient wants to do.
    • I can then perform LE strengthening activities with my patient and educate them and the caregivers on what they need.

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