When I assess bathing, I mainly look at three different components: environmental, physical abilities, and cognition.
Looking at the items within each component allows me to break down the actual occupation for each individual client. Part of documenting skilled care is individualizing care plans. All clients are unique in his/her abilities and may have different set up of his/her environment. You may devote a treatment session to educating the client or caregiver on using durable medical equipment (DME) or adaptive equipment (AE) in the shower. Another treatment session may focus on the getting in/out of shower or transferring on to shower seat.
Physical therapy can help clients work towards bathing independence by working on dynamic standing balance and safety with transfers. Although showers are typically OT territory, working with a PT can help improve carryover.
Do you know any other therapists that could use more ideas for evidence based treatment? Make sure to share this post and follow us and tag them on Instagram www.instagram.com/thenoteninjas
And if you haven't yet make sure to download our FREE PDF with skilled care documentation tips HERE!
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